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Alex’s workout 3.PNG


8 rounds:
25 DOuble Unders/Hop overs
20 Alex Presses

Alex’s workout 4.HEIC

Scaled version

8 rounds:
25 hop-overs 
20 Alternating single arm Dumbell power Clean and Jerks  15/10lbs


The Signifigance

Alex passed away on 8-25-20


Alex was a fan of dumbbells.  He loved to play with his dumbbells as Dad worked out.  Some of his favorite movements were cleans, presses, snatches, and farmer’s carries.  He loved them, so it only seems fitting that we use dumbbells for his workout.  Double unders represent his restricted movement from being tied up to IV lines and cords to numerous monitors.  He would  constantly trip and get tangled up in them. Burpees only seem fitting because cancer sucks and so do burpees.  Also cancer is a constant rollercoaster of ups and downs as are burpees....  and sometimes it took a lot of perseverance to struggle back up. 

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