Fighting Together
The AlexStrong Foundation is committed to making Alex's legacy of love, perseverance and strength live on. Throughout his battle, Alex and our family were often commended for our strength and for being an inspiration to others. It never felt like it in the moment. Looking back, we attribute our strength and faith to Alex's perseverance and to the support and generosity that surrounded us--from family, friends, and complete strangers. We were in awe of how much others did to help us take Alex's battle one day at a time, put our family first when it mattered most, and keep pushing forward. Our family grew closer over the course of that year by learning from our little Alex just how important it is to appreciate what is in front of you. To live life with a smile, no matter the struggle with which you're faced. To keep on dancing.
AlexStrong raises awareness of childhood cancer with an aim to enable families and patients to make the most of their journeys. AlexStrong works with hospitals to make patient’s stays, infusions, and times of separation from family more manageable. The monotony of the hospital setting wears quickly on families. Sometimes a welcomed distraction or show of support makes all of the difference.

We are Alex's Parents, Chris and Erin Dexter. Alex made a tremendous impact on our lives and family in the short time that he was with us. we believe it is our duty to ensure his legacy lives on. His ability to battle cancer with grace, resilience, and humor demonstrates that no matter the odds we are faced with in life, we persevere. Laugh, love, dance, and surround yourself with the ones you love. life is a gift, live it.
We are originally from Kansas City and relocated to Augusta in 2015. Back then we only had three children, but in 2017 we were blessed with our 4th, Matthew. a little over a year later Alex was born. At one time uncertain of our planned duration in Augusta, we have since planted roots, created memories, and call it home. AlexStrong will initially focus on making a difference here in Augusta, where Alex was treated and where he taught us what it means to live. As the foundation grows, so will our outreach--and Alex's legacy.

Want to pass on merchandise and ensure your money goes solely to helping children? Monetary Donations are the best way. Donate once, donate twice, monthly--pick what works for your budget. AlexStrong will always be looking for ways to help. 100% of these donations will go toward serving the children and their families.

We welcome those who would like to get involved and help our foundation grow! Follow the link and sign-up. We love our volunteers and would not be able to do this without them. Many of our future projects will require helping hands. If you sign up we will contact you about upcoming opportunities to help!
Donate blood
Children affected by cancer need blood transfusions often during treatment. Sometimes a child may need multiple transfusions at the end of each cycle to prepare for the next. One of the best (and most affordable ways) to help is to donate blood. Unfortunately not everyone can donate, to find out if you are able and to find A convenient location near you, check out the link:

Show your love and support for the Alexstrong foundation by purchasing some swag. a few of our items are part of a gifting program. When purchased, not only do you get the item, but the same or similar item will be gifted to patients and their families! all other sale proceeds from from our merchandise go directly back into the foundation. help increase awareness and support the cause. Check out our shop!